Grant Awarded
Dr. Danielle Schoon and I got good news on our proposal for a grant from the University Institute for Teaching and Learning at OSU. We were awarded funds for Spring semester 2020 to implement our global e-portfolio and conduct Intercultural Development Inventories for about 20 (we hope) students taking Turkish Culture 2241 and 3350 Contemporary Issues in Turkey.
There are multiple ways this project will contribute to student learning at OSU. Students of this generation are already interacting with other cultures online, but not necessarily in a safe or guided academic environment. An ePortfolio template that utilizes the latest technology for ongoing assessment, ‘gamification’ through Buckeye Badges (see Badging FAQ),and online community building, can direct the learning toward both intercultural awareness gains and marketable tech skills. Online intercultural learning opportunities exist as a more accessible option than education abroad and these opportunities may also be stepping stones toward education abroad. In the case of Turkey (and many Middle Eastern countries), study abroad is restricted or not possible.
Each time we run the program, we continue to update and refine the learning templates, instructional materials/tools for engagement, and assessment rubrics. We would like any feedback you may have on these resources.
May 3rd, 2019