The food sovereignty workshop I co-hosted with colleagues in the Global Water Institute and University Libraries was one of the most challenging yet engaging and motivating projects I have ever worked on.
Bostan in Kuzguncuk. A "bostan" is a community garden. This bostan is in the Kuzguncuk neighborhood of the Üsküdar district on the Asian side of the Bosphorus in Istanbul, Turkey. Image taken by Melinda McClimans, 2021, All rights reserved

Food Sovereignty Workshop Brief | Middle East Studies Center

On October 13th and 14th of 2022 Ohio State University conducted the food sovereignty workshop, Community-Centered Approaches for Food Systems Transformation. It was attended by individuals from 27 different university units, 5 government offices, and 6 non-profits in addition to interested local citizens. A total of 39 people attended. The focus of the workshop was on university-community partnerships and the importance of learning from communities about their local food systems, both historically and . . . read more. . .